Welcome to residential life at Penn State Berks!
Penn State Berks is an incredible place to begin your college journey, and we proudly offer on-campus housing that our students love. With two housing communities and tons of opportunities for involvement and leadership, you can get the most out of your time at Penn State Berks by choosing to live on campus!
Learn more about living on campus
Here to support you
The Office of Residence Life, located in 102 Ivy House, provides a variety of resources to our residents. Our focus is the success of each student as an individual. The services we offer are focused on providing adequate support to help students appropriately manage and overcome personal, social, and academic challenges that may arise. We strive to ensure a safe, comfortable, and supportive living and learning environment that enhances the principles of Penn State.
Visit or contact the Office of Residence Life
- 102 Ivy House, located in The Woods
- 610-396-6290
- BerksResLife@psu.edu
- Follow Berks Residence Life on Instagram!
With students from around the corner, the state, the country, and the world, Penn State Berks is a diverse and supportive environment that gives you the opportunity to learn more about yourself, others, and the world around you.
Residence Life is proud to provide the following support, resources, and services:
- Opportunities to learn about yourself, as well as other cultures, lifestyles, and experiences while fostering a celebration and appreciation of diversity.
- Educational, cultural, and social programming to promote community and assist with the social transition to college.
- Assistance and referrals for personal, academic, and psychological concerns.
- A safe and supportive living environment, based on community standards of living and adherence to University policy.
- Mediation and support with room mating and social interactions.
- Cooperation and collaboration among all levels of faculty, staff and students.